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Bdb services belize ltdbeginners guidefive facts about binary people think that trading binary options means sitting in front of your computer all day long buying or selling calls and puts and then being stressed out for days waiting for your option to expire while wondering if you predicted the right way or not. this is not the case as binary options are short term investments whichon banc de binarysplatform include expiration periods as low as 30 seconds. sothey are very shortterm stressfree investments indeed. Begin trading binary options online are multiple types of binary options available to trade. the simplest and by far most common trade is the updown trade. you can learn about the different types of binary options available to trade here. Five facts about binary options are very simple option contract with a fixed risk and fixed reward. these options are called binary options because there is a one or the other choice and a one or the other payout after the option expires. one or the other choices include up or down or touch and notouch. in computer code binary means 1 or 0 or one or the other. What are binary options can trade binary options. even a dummy can win any given binary trade too. it is one or the other choice it is hard to get it that wrong all of the time. Firstly many people believe that trading binary options successfully is based on luck. this is not the case and although there are at times last minute extreme changes in prices if you learn trading strategies you will be able to predict fairly accurately the price behaviour of an asset and thereby make a profit on your trades. you dont have to be a financial guru to trade binary options. if you have the correct approach binary option trading can a wonderful method of increasing your income. you just need to be positive and want to spend time learning about the characteristics of binary trading. binary options were designed to be traded as a simple investment route compared to the other conventional markets such as the foreign exchange and commodities now you understand the basics of trading binary options. some key things you should remember before you dive in are these What Are Binary Options Themselves Those are your only two options. hence binary. if you pick the right choice of the two you win the trade. if you pick wrong you lose the trade. there are two choices only. up or down. and two outcomes win or lose. 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